A celebration III - A
No 04
Inkjet on canvas - 2014
"Enlarged" of a 2013 original
Limited edition, numbered / 3 ex
"A Celebration III - A"
Inkjet on canvas - 2014
"Enlarged" of an original 2013
Limited edition, numbered / 3 ex
180 x 140 cm
Prix / Price: 3600 CHF
Jacques Walther, peintre dont l'atelier se trouve dans le quartier du Flon, à Lausanne, partage sont activité entre création et enseignement artistique.
Né au Maroc en 1951, diplômé des Beaux-Arts de Lausanne, l'artiste expose régulièrement en Suisse et ailleurs. Il a reçu la médaille d'Or de la Société Nationale des Beaux-Arts à Paris en 2018.
"About the work: At the origin is a Cryptography , collage on paper of heterogeneous elements reflecting the life of the artist, newspaper clippings, photos, hand-calligraphed texts, maps of geography, portraits. ... The whole thing is put in harmony thanks to a work of erasing and highlighting, brush, pastel, pencil.
Then he will change the format and have these photographed originals printed in enlarged formats using the inkjet printing technique. "Extract from the article" ph + arts "- 2014
Jacques Walther, a painter whose studio is located in the Flon, district of Lausanne, shares his activity between creation and artistic education.
Born in Morocco in 1951, graduated of the Beaux-Arts in Lausanne, the artist exhibits regularly in Switzerland and elsewhere. He received the Gold Medal of the National Society of Fine Arts in Paris in 2018.
About the artwork: Originally is a Cryptography, collage on paper of heterogeneous elements reflecting the life of the artist, newspaper clippings, photos, hand-written texts, maps of geography, portraits .... The whole is put in harmony thanks to a work of erasure and relief, brush, pastel, pencil.
Then he will change format and have these photographic originals printed in enlarged formats thanks to the technique of inkjet printing.