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Fabio Calvetti
Fabio Calvetti was born in 1956, in Certaldo, near Florence - Italy.
In 1978 he graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence. During the 80's he experimented with new techniques and materials and dedicated himself to drawing using graphite. Later, he reoriented himself towards oil and acrylic painting in order to create a technique that perfectly suited his inspirations.
The themes of his works are above all aimed at the inner analysis and the difficulties of communication induced by the rapid evolution of social models. The red thread of his works is the waiting, the absence and the silences of the soul. In 1987, at the SIAC in Florence, the critic Tommaso Paloscia included him in the "Green Wave", a selection of young Italian artists.
Since then, Fabio Calvetti has participated in numerous exhibitions around the world, including in Milan with the Galleria Artesanterasmo, at the City Art Museum in Kwangju (South Korea), at the Shinjuku Park Tower in Tokyo, at the Medici Gallery in Sarasota (Florida, United States), at the Galerie Saint-Hubert in Lyon, at the National Museum (Palazzo Venezia) in Rome, at the Utrillo-Valadon Museum in Paris, and at the Seoul Art Center and Palazzo Bastogi in Florence.